
The alter ego of course, requires that an artist should let the mind wander. And wander it does…

Firepoint 7. From the "Avion" series. Acrylic on canvas.
Firepoint 7. From the “Avion” series. This and several other works were loosely based on aircraft structure, exploring shapes and colour. While they might conjure up thoughts of aviation mis-adventures that was not my intention. Acrylic on canvas.
047. From the "Avion" series. Acrylic on canvas.
047. From the “Avion” series. Acrylic on canvas.
Ruby5. From the "Avion" series. Acrylic on canvas.
Ruby5. From the Avion series. Acrylic on Canvas.
A-Two. From the "Avion" series. Acrylic on canvas.
A-Two. From the “Avion” series. Acrylic on canvas.
Saracen. From the "Avion" series. Acrylic on canvas.
Saracen. From the “Avion” series. Acrylic on canvas.
Mable. From the "Rail" series. Mixed media - Acrylic on wood with Acrylic on canvas construction.
Mable. From the “Rail” series. Mixed media – Acrylic on wood with Acrylic on canvas construction… and there’s a bit of bitumen paint in there too. The bitumen paint was used in the 1800s and into the following century on timber floors around the edges of rooms and hallways and the centre of these spaces were covered in carpets and hall runners, thus providing a neat black edge around the space. In more recent times these houses were renovated (hence the splashes of white paint and plaster everywhere) and the floors carpeted over completely. These pieces came from a cottage in the inner city.

Flashpoint. From the "Rail" series. Acrylic on canvas.
Flashpoint. From the “Rail” series. Acrylic on canvas.
M8. Inspired by the decay of of the modern industrial age. Acrylic on canvas.
M8. Inspired by the decay of the modern industrial age. Acrylic on canvas.
Death Of The I-124. Acrylic on canvas.
Death Of The I-124. Acrylic on canvas.
Washing Green - Jervis 3. Acrylic and fabric on canvas.
Washing Green – Jervis 3. Acrylic and fabric on canvas.
Jervis 1. Acrylic and fabric on canvas.